Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lessons Learned

Is it lessons learned or lessons learnt? I tried looking it up but I gave up.

Most of you are probably thinking, "Why did Amanda have a series of posts called 'A Week of Adventures' and only post five days?" Am I right, or am I right? I know you think about my posts constantly!

Well, I will tell you why. An alligator ate my camera...

Alright, that is a lie. I got lazy. I do have a sixth day to add soon, though. I also am contributing my lack of posting to being busy. I am trying to start a NEW and BETTER blog for Amanda Castle Photography as well as get a website going. On top of that, I am working part-time, shooting sessions/editing and trying to keep my house from looking like dogs live here (impossible).

Since I am going through so many learning stages right now, I wanted to share a few things that I have learned so far about starting a photography business:

  • Start saying "I am a photographer." Lately, I have had a lot of people ask me what I do and sometimes I find it hard to tell them I am a photographer. I am not sure why, but it happens.

  • Be business-minded. I am finding out how much of this is actually business vs. creative photography and I would say it is 70% business right now and it will only go up from there.

  • Learn to shoot only in manual. Since I have been doing this, I feel like I have complete control over a picture. I have better pictures in the long run with less editing.

  • Do not over-edit pictures, let the pictures speak for themselves.

  • Know everything about your camera. I am always still learning but I definitely have put a lot of time into knowing how to use my equipment.

  • The hardest lesson for me right now is to say "no" to people who try to take advantage of you. The right client will come to you.

So, now you know what I am learning and figuring out. Keep checking back for the new website and blog. I hope to have it up as soon as I can.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good lessons. Setting goals and keeping focus are tough to do, but needed to build a successful business.

    I'll offer another lesson. Attempt perfection in your work (Jesus is the model after all), but don't let the inevitable failures to achieve it affect your momentum or joy of living. Remember, a "failure" is not one who fails, but one who no longer tries. You will always succeed in the thing you love if you are willing to embrace it anew each day.

    Proud of you!
